Futel Activity 2021

These graphs all show two events, this is an artifact from an implementation change which we don’t want to correct for, or even figure out how to display as a more understandable stacked bar chart, because we’re retiring this software anyway.

Incoming calls to 503-HOT-1337.

Handset pickups on any public Futel phone.

Handset pickups on the Detroit phone.

Handset pickups on any public Portland phone.

Handset pickups on the Seaview phone.

Handset pickups on the Ypsilanti phone. This phone was disabled until March, then usage quickly resumed.

Successfully dialed outgoing calls from a dialtone, does not include numbers not entered by the user including directory calls and the Payphone Demultiplexer. Outgoing calls increased about 50 percent over the year, peaking at over 40 calls a day.

This graph is not so useful because it includes any call which begins to ring the operators, whether or not the user hangs up before pickup.
