Sisyphus Gardens

The phone shack at Sisyphus Gardens. In recent years they’ve added another extension in their kitchen, but your calls will still ring here. Also, there is more than one Druid of Sisyphus Gardens staffing the line these days. Callers cannot choose which one they will get. They are all qualified to provide wisdom. Also, lucky Futel phone users who visit after their rounds in town may find tokens and artwork they have left behind.

The Druid of Sisyphus Gardens has been an entry in the Futel directory from the beginning because they are probably having different experiences than the people who call, and who could be more worthwhile to talk to than that sometimes? Sisyphus Gardens is a many-leveled rural complex with a phone line but no municipal power or water. It is well fortified but its denizens have survived more due to gentleness and fortitude than force of arms, being the remnants of an anarchist community the members of which perhaps did not bow and bend as much as they could have. Who can say? And too much has probably been said, especially by this simple urban telephone company administrator. Call them yourself from any Futel phone and ask about their habitats for human-eating forest denizens or the cannibals down the road.
