Druid of Sisyphus Gardens Call Log

Highlights Since Recorded Times

Caller asked if this was the escort service of Pasadena, CA. “No, sorry”. Caller hung up before I could provide them with any more information.

Caller asked what else they could do on a Futel. I provided them with some information. “Chill.”

Caller asked if I was the Druid of Sisyphus. “No. No, wait, yes. Are you looking for a specific Druid?” “Yes”, they said. I answered their questions.

2019 spring
Caller apologized when I let them know they can call anyone else for free. I didn’t mean it that way.

2019 summer
Callers were a couple walking in their new neighborhood. They were excited about Futel, and I explained some of Futel’s telephony services. I told them I was a Druid-in-training. “So you work for the telephone company?” “No.”

2019 fall
Caller explained they found a payphone, so they tried calling their cellphone. I told them that they hadn’t miscalled, and told them how to call their cellphone from the payphone. They thanked me, and told me that I sound like a really kind person, and that they hoped it wasn’t too late where ever I was. I thanked them and told them to have a good night. Caller hung up, then I realized I neglected to tell them that dialing a Druid was a good way to test the interactive-ness of a phone booth at midnight.

2020 January
Caller asked what plants I grow. I provided them with information. Caller repeated information, then hung up.

Druid of Sisyphus Gardens Documented Voicemail

unknown date
Um, hiii. Is this the burrito place? I really wanted a burrito today. Sooo, if you’re not the burrito place, just don’t call back. But if you are the burrito place, I would love some burritos.
Yeah, yeah, yeah burritos! Buh-buh-buh burritos! Yeah, yeah, yeah, burritos!
Have a spectacular day!

2019 (children, abbreviated)
“I’m Banana 1, and my friend is Banana 2. Can you call back right away so we can talk about bananas? Here is is Banana 2!”
“My name is Banana 2 but I like playing Banana 1”

2019 Fall
“Do you have any rocks? Like really big rocks? I’m the man to push them.”

Voice 1: “Hi, I hope you have a good day!”
Voice 2: “Tell us the secret of Stonehenge, did aliens land there? Did aliens build it? Are you an alien?
Voice 1: “I would also like to know that, but first and foremost, I hope you have a really good day!”
Voice 2: “What if I’m an alien?”
Voice 1: “I think you might be.”
Voice 3: “I hope your day is like really good, but like not so good that you can’t match it later in life.”
Voice 1: “Truer words have never been spoken. Thank you!”

Thank You FUTEL, Pest and Verm, the Druids of Sisyphus
