Support Right To Dream Too

Among all of our users, Futel is most proud to support Right To Dream Too, the tent encampment in Old Town Portland. They have their own Futel phone, which is used by their front desk and residents, and they credit our service with helping people find jobs, connect with family, and avert a life-threatening medical emergency. We do not represent them, and are speaking for ourselves only.

Their location has always been endangered, and they’ve been threatened with eviction and legal action from the first day they occupied the space. The latest chapter directly involves Portland mayor Ted Wheeler, who withdrew necessary support for a site on Naito Parkway near a building owned by a real estate company which was a major campaign donor.

If you have an opinion on this matter, we encourage you to call the mayor’s office, which is prominently featured on the directory of every Futel phone - just choose option 3 from the main menu. If you don’t happen to be near a Futel phone, he can be reached at 503-823-4120. Incidentally, when he took office, this number was changed, but he didn’t bother to notify his constituents, and his office apparently didn’t know or care about his unavailability until a Futel operator notified his communications director.
