
Futel is made possible by volunteers and contributors, who we thank! Futel is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and contributions are tax deductible.

Support us by donating with PayPal or a credit card. Here’s a button!

Support us by subscribing on Patreon.

Support us by buying T-shirts or buttons.

Support us by buying Party Line issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 from Microcosm Publishing.

Have any of these items?

Installation host? Contact us. Hacker? See repositories. Artist? We can help you implement your ideas in this exciting new format.

Email, or dial 0 from any Futel phone.


  • Director, Karl Anderson.
  • Engineering and Operations, Karl Anderson, tishbite, breedx, Russell Senior.
  • Hygiene and Sanitation, M. Lippincott.
  • Operators, Karl Anderson, tishbite, xnor, M. Lippincott, A. Frankenstein, Anonymous, M. Hansen, Anonymous, Anonymous.
  • Physical Plant, Karl Anderson, breedx, tishbite, Ry4an B, M. Lippincott, Russell Senior, Sebastian Noack, J. Mejía.
  • Production, breedx, xnor, J. Mejía, B. Richardson.
  • Design, D. Wager, M. Lippincott.
  • Art, D. Wager, B. Thunderblood, Fiona Barnacle, Lance E. Pants.


Thanks to our public telephone hosts G. Upshaw, xnor, Anonymous, Sou’Wester Lodge, Landline Creative, Saluthaus, Sebastian Noack, J. Mejía, tishbite, Anonymous, Microcosm Publishing, M. Hansen, and Ghost Mountain. Thanks to our other telephone hosts Right To Dream Too, Upright Brewing, and Bottles and Cans.

Thanks to Anonymous and Rosie Howell for voice prompts.

Futel’s 2020-2023 operations are funded in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council.

Futel’s 2018-2022 operations are funded in part by Nelson.

Futel’s 2022 operations are funded in part by the Social Justice Action Center.

Thanks to our funding contributors including Precipice Fund, Calligram Foundation, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Awesome Ann Arbor, Awesome Portland, the Impact Corps Program, and ToorCamp.

Thanks to the Personal Telco Project, Hankins Hardware, Free Geek Portland, and B. Davis for donating materials.

Thanks to PDX Hackerspace, Jessamyn West, Dug Song, Snaptortoise, Sharita Towne, Open Signal, Drew at MOHDI, and B-Line Urban Delivery for their support. Thanks to everyone who has donated time, money, and expertise.